Logging out of the HP SUM GUI

  1. Click the user icon, and then click Logout.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Log Off - Current user.

    • Shutdown - This option will shutdown HP SUM engine.

      [NOTE: ]

      NOTE: If you close the browser window without shutting down HP SUM, the HP SUM engine continues to run in the background.

  3. Click OK.

HP SUM stores node information between sessions, including user credentials for nodes. The information is stored in a database file. To clear the information, run the clean-cache.cmd (Windows) or clean-cache.sh (Linux). To run clear-cache:

  1. Shut down the HP SUM engine.

  2. From a command-line window, navigate to the directory that contains HP SUM.

  3. Type clear-cache.bat (Windows) or clear-cache.sh (Linux).

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: If you are using a GUI, you can navigate to the directory that holds HP SUM and double-click the file to clear the cache. Running the clean-cache command erases all nodes, baselines, and other information entered in HP SUM.