Downloading SUM from the SDR website

You can download SUM as an RPM from the Software Delivery Repository at The SDR contains a version of the SUM RPM for each supported operating system and architecture type. Instructions on how to set up your yum configuration are available on the SDR website.

You can use yum commands to search for and download SUM to your system. You can also use a web browser to navigate the SDR and download the rpm.

Use the following commands to search, download, or install SUM from the SDR:

yum search smartupdate

Search for SUM with yum.

yum install smartupdate

Install SUM with yum.

rpm -Uvh sum-<version>.<os>-<os_version>.x86_64.rpm

Download SUM from the SDR with a web browser, and then install the RPM.

For more information on using the SDR, see the Getting Started and FAQ sections on the Software Delivery Repository website at

For more information on using SUM with the SDR, see Linux best practices document at