Adding a node by searching a range of addresses


  1. From the Nodes screen, click +Add Node.
  2. Select Find nodes on network from the Selection operation drop down.
  3. Click Find Nodes.
  4. Select IP Address Range or Port Address.

    SUM can search a port in the range of 0–65535.

  5. Enter a range of IP addresses for SUM to search, select one of the default ports or select Other and enter the port, and then click Search.

    SUM only searches one subnet/octet, the final four digits of an IPv4 address.

    SUM displays the nodes it finds in the Available Nodes field.
  6. Select the nodes you want to add from the Available Nodes section, and then click Add Nodes.
  7. If you want to assign a baseline, select Baseline, Additional Packages in the Baseline to Apply field.
  8. In the Credentials section, select whether to Use current user credentials (requires existing trust relationship with the node), Enter administrator credentials, or Enter SSH Key Credentials (not available for all nodes).
  9. If the iLO of the server is configured in one of the High Security modes, enter the iLO Administrator credentials in the provided iLO Credentials section.
  10. If you choose to enter administrator credentials, enter the Username and Password.
  11. Click Add.
  12. In the Added Nodes section, SUM displays the nodes you selected.
  13. Click Cancel to go back to the Nodes screen.