1.0.0 (Thanks Leinad4Mind)
- Refactor extract function
- Supports rar's recursively
- Change old translation files from xml to pot
- ONLY 19.x Compatible
0.17.6 (Thanks Leinad4Mind)
- Change versioning
- Refactor and clean all the code
- Enhance translations
- Fix little bugs present regarding new website
- Still compatible with all Kodi above 13
- Fix unrar solid files
- New website design (Thanks to turtuga)
- http -> https
- BUGFix when DEBUG mode is on making the script to crash
- Added new logo of Pipocas.tv
- Change search language not depend kodi language
- Added Debug Mode in configurations for better help to failures (Thanks Mafarricos)
- Code cleanup (Thanks Mafarricos)
- Added a last resort option to search for filename or title, configure in advanced options of the add-on
- Fix the decoding BUG in Raspberry Pi (Linux and Windows have different behaviours).
- New pattern for the last resort search to check if it's a movie or tvshow.
- Account verification added.
- Fixed more Unicode issues.
- Fixed a bug that prevents searching all chosen subtitle languages.
- Improved search algorithm for library TVSHOWS and MOVIES.
- Added Portuguese (Brazil) missing strings.xml.
- If there's no match with the patterns when searching for releases it will put the full description.
- Fix unicode issue when searching and the interface was set to Portuguese.
- Last resort search will always be by title if filename and parent folder fails.
- Fixed a missing string in all languages.
- Added Parent Folder search and sync matching. Choose in addon settings AUTO or OFF. AUTO checks if parent folder is a release and if true it will be used for search and sync.
- Improved SYNC matching.
- Some fixes and changes on the code.
- Changed description display and fixed rating score.
- Initial port to new Gotham structure.